Green beans, also known as french beans, pencil beans, string beans and snap beans, are much-loved all over the world and consumed in a variety of ways. Steamed, sauteed, grilled, roasted, stir-fried, or simply freshly picked. So gorge on this green vegetable, full of carotenoids, any which way you like. Green beans are a great source of the less popular nutrients like Manganese and Silicone, crucial for bone health, along with Vitamin K, C, B2, dietary fibre and folate. Scoring high on the antioxidant scale too, consuming green beans is beneficial to reduce the risk of colon cancer, heart disease, obesity, and keep the stress levels to a minimum low. This super veggie also boosts immunity and helps regulate and manage blood sugar levels.
With so many plus points, there is clearly no way why you won’t include these fresh green beans in your diet. Grow fresh and enjoy the goodness!
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